
Astrology is the discipline that embraces both science and symbolic art, and can become a highly valuable self-knowledge tool when used to:

• Comprehend life from a different, wider and deeper outlook in order to integrate those personal qualities and characteristics that are excluded from conscience, either by fear, confusion, unawareness or conditioning factors, and that are inevitably experienced through relationships or apparently external situations.

• Get to know your own energies which will be displayed in the various areas of life (personality, work, relationships, possessions, profession, family, etc.)

• Understand the origin and reason of the situations
that you have experienced over life and find the healthiest and most creative attitude to deal with the difficulties that hinder you way to self-fulfilment.

An astrological analysis can also be understood as a map showing your soul karmic condition, that is, a symbolic representation of your past actions that make up the basis of your present physical and psychological structure.
An analysis of the planetary positions describes, on the one hand, the strengths and weaknesses in the present existence and, on the other hand, the areas where the energy will flow more smoothly leading to more easygoing life situations as well as the tense, karmic planetary aspects that will represent the challenges and learning opportunities of the present life.

However, it is important to remember that planets suggest possibilities but do not impose definitive outcomes. Your free will and attitude as well as your level of commitment are the factors that encourage changes.  


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